Anca Visdei was born in Bucharest and wrote her first play when she was fourteen. Her first book was published and first play produced when she was nineteen. She attended The Film and Theatre Institute of Bucharest.

She became a political refugee in Switzerland and studied law and criminology at Lausanne.

At the present time she lives in Paris where she has written and produced thirty or so plays, which have been performed in France and other countries and been awarded numerous prizes. Most of these plays and stories have been broadcast by French radio stations.

She has been a member of the SACD commission, reader for Gallimard (Youth Publications), professor of drama at the Théâtre de l'Ombre, Parisian editor of the magazine Voir and director of an Art & Architecture Film Festival.

She also writes plays for the young, tales (Short, Cruel Tales), short stories and scenarios for television (sketches, series, documentaries for TF1, M6 and the 5th channel) and the cinema (full length film).

She has also written a novel The Eternal Lover, which, unfortunately, is out of print.

The works of Anca Visdei
regularly appear in the baccalauréat syllabus and her texts are often used in classes at the lycée.
She attended the Bucharest Film and Theatre Institute. She obtained a law degree followed by a doctorate in 1979. Her speciality was criminology. She later became a teacher, Assistant Professor of International Law at the University of Lausanne (1980). In Paris, she took part in the drama course organised by the Véra Gregh theatre.
As a journalist and film and theatre critic:

she wrote articles and interviewed important personalities from the world of contemporary culture (Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jean Anouilh, Friedrich Durrenmatt, Eugène Ionesco, Milan Kundera, Emil Cioran, Mircea Eliade etc.)
for Le Nouveau Quotidien, Emois, Les Nouvelles Littéraires, L'Evenement du Jeudi, Cosmopolitan, l'Hebdo, le Journal de Genève, Magazine Hebdo, Le Figaro, Avant-Scène, Radio France Internationale and France Culture.
Anca Visdei was professor of drama at the Ecole du Théatre de l’Ombre in Paris.She organised acting and writing workshops for children and at theatre festivals. (see DIRECTOR and WORKSHOP)
and also
La Femme pressée
Anca Visdei has written
and taken part in four
dramatized fairytales
( to date unpublished)
"The Magic Horse"
"Tales from the Balkans"
"Christmas Stories"
"The Mad Hatmaker"
After her father’s death (the architect Georgel Visdei),
Anca directed the two festivals founded by him: an art film festival and an architectural film festival.
Bernard Miyet and Anca Visdei figured on the prize list of the Lausanne art film festival
Exhibitions in France and Switzerland.
No. 1000
Collector of vintage clothes and jewellery.
See: site
La Femme pressée